Three Circles. Another attempt at abstraction and producing a piece that relied on the circles to hold the attention. I also knew that Janina Karpinska was a great fan of Circles.
Twelve Circles. This time another abstract that relies on the Circle to keep the interest. It was produced in the style of Wassily Kandinsky, the Russian Painter who was known for producing paintings containing circles.
This started life as a free formed drawing and has been described as a 'nice design for a pato'. It is completely abstract and it was produced to see if I could escape from the circles and do something that was totally different. In the top left hand corner is a lighter patch that has become know as the sand under the pato slabs, it does hark back to the earlier 'Water Warrior' colours. This piece has shown that it is possible for me to take a marker pen and create a picture that is totally different within the realms of my mosaic style.
Birthday Card. This is an example of work that I have recently in September/November been producing that have solid circles within the construction of the picture. This adds another dimension to the overall finished product.
It is great that I have been able to share my talent with my friends and that they have been as excited about the results as I have. I am looking forward to showing you more of my art, when I am able to scan them. Some of the pieces that have not been featured is due to the fact that they are too big for an A4 scanner.