After the Arts Trail and the Poets Corner Summer Festival, I was inspired to produced a piece at my Art Class, at the Vallance Community Centre, that was more deepily personal than any of the pieces that had so far been produced. AfterLove was a visual representation of the break-up of my marriage, earlier this year. That is the reason why the piece is so dark, except arround the female image. It helped me to produce this piece at a difficult moment in my life.

EBELL. An attempt to create a more traditional piece of collage art. It also holds the title of the smallest piece that I have produced. The title is taken from the cutting of a longer word that was used in the finished piece. Again it was an attempt to use images, such as the bullett belt and the black face as making a point about civil war in africian countries.
Neon Garbage Guerilla. The title comes from the pictures that were used in the construction of the piece. The main image is of a black guerilla and the moasic was made up from two pictures, one of a pile of rubbish, and the other a close up of a neon sign.